Unplug From Your Technology This Summer

As summer gears up, take some time to assess the screen time habits that you’ve had for the past 6 months. If you’re anything like us, you’ve been glued to your devices, keeping up with news, streaming TV and movies, watching sports, working, working, working… We thought it would be a good time for some tips on how to unplug, whether you’re taking a trip or just want a day away from technology.

Constant exposure to technology and the digital world can lead to information overload, constant distraction, and heightened stress levels. Taking a break from technology allows your mind to rest and recharge, reducing feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. This break can also foster better focus, concentration, and improved cognitive function, leading to enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities.

There is a plethora of articles on unplugging, so take the time to search around if you want more ideas. Embrace the art of unplugging and enjoy the summer!

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